Thank you for providing us with your comments as part of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) Comment Period for the C Line (Green) Extension to Torrance Project. We received over 1,200 comments from residents, businesses, and stakeholders. All comments received or postmarked by Tuesday, March 27, 2023, have been submitted to L.A. Metro staff and will be included as the official comments for the Draft EIR. The public comment period ended on March 27, 2023, and L.A. Metro is currently reviewing all comments received.

 What happens next?

L.A. Metro will share a summary of comments received throughout the project, including during and after the DEIR comment period, with the Metro Board of Directors this summer as part of project findings to help inform their selection of a preferred alignment, called the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA). Following the selection of the LPA, L.A. Metro will begin to prepare the Final EIR and advance design for the selected alignment. All comments received during the DEIR public comment period will be formally responded to in the Final EIR (anticipated 2024). Metro will continue to collect general input on the project and any comments received will continue to help inform the project.

Stay tuned for more updates on the project, including when the project is anticipated to be on the agenda for a Metro Board meeting and how to participate.

Torrance Chamber members are encouraged to attend Government Affairs Policy (GAP) meetings to stay informed. Members also have the opportunity to add their signature of support for the Torrance City Council position to ensure the passenger light rail stay within the existing railroad area (Right-of-Way: with At-Grade/Elevated Option);  www.TorranceCA.Gov/CLine

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