Leadership Torrance Class of 2016
1. Where were you in your career right before joining Leadership Torrance? I had owned my own business since 2002 and had employees since 2006. I’d heard of Leadership Torrance for a few years and had wanted to participate, but with the sessions falling during “busy season,” I’d been hesitant to be out of the office. 2016 was the year I finally felt I had the staff I needed to allow me to be out of the office 2 days a month to attend training days.
2. Where are you in your career and life now? I now host a podcast “Biz Help For You” and have begun to add profitability and growth advisory services. I have hired an Operations Assistant, and I’m starting to work a more reasonable schedule to have a bit more balance in my life.
3. What insight or benefit of Leadership Torrance do you value most? I appreciate the different aspects of the training I received, but I most enjoy the relationships I developed.
4. Anything else you would like to share? Leadership Torrance is a great opportunity to learn about local to state government, develop skills in areas you may be weak (or strengthen those you already have), build relationships with those in the cohort, and make an improvement to Torrance through a community project. I am thankful I took the time to participate in Leadership Torrance!