Larry Halvorsen
Board Member
President, Express Employment Professionals
Larry Halvorsen, Expressed Employment Professionals, received the Shaun Lumachi Advocacy Award at the South Bay Association of Chambers of Commerce luncheon. Larry was presented this recognition as a result of his advocacy in the creation of AB-255, Assembly Member Al Muratsuchi. Halvorsen met with the assembly member, along with other business owners to discuss issues facing their businesses during the pandemic. “We just talked to Assembly member Muratsuchi about issues we were experiencing, including a need for landlords to negotiate good faith with their tenants before evicting them, which was similar to what was put in place for tenants of residential properties. Businesses are suffering massive loss of revenue of 40% – 100%, but in many cases landlords still want 100% of their rent. So, they are not suffering, and they are in many cases not willing to re-negotiate rent.”
The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce (TACC) team had the pleasure of speaking with Larry about winning the Shaun Lumachi Advocacy Award, and his participation in the Torrance Chamber’s Government Affairs Program (GAP). By interacting with the GAP, members are given a voice.
The GAP gives Larry an opportunity to speak directly with advocates in Sacramento regarding his concerns and to advocate for small businesses. After thorough research, he voices concerns over opposition and lack of support businesses face through roundtable discussions with Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs). He is deeply honored to receive the award, and if it helps bring more issues plaguing South Bay businesses to the forefront, he feels grateful for that too.