Mark your calendars for the ‘Shop Local, Shop Small Business Week’ Kickoff, this Thursday, November 12th at 9 AM. This 30 minute virtual kickoff will bring the business community together to rally for the members participating in the “Shop Local, Shop Small Business Week” happening from November 28th to December 5th. This week was started by the Torrance Chamber back in 2014 as an extension of the Small Business Saturday. During this week, the Chamber encourages the community to shop its local small businesses to help them thrive, especially now more than ever during this year’s holiday season. As we invest in our small businesses, we are ultimately boosting our economy.
Two speakers, Laurie Brandt from Red Car Brewery & Restaurant and Mark Comon from Paul’s Photo, will speak at the Kickoff about their experiences from participating in past years and the benefits that their restaurant and store have seen from this week. Please join us this Thursday by registering at