(L to R front row):  State Senator Ben Allen, State Senator Steven Bradford and Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi are joined by event sponsors at the ‘State of State’.

By: Donna Duperron

The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce welcomed State Senators Ben Allen and Steven Bradford and Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi to the annual ‘State of the State’ event this past Friday.  

Assemblymember Muratsuchi stated that education has always been his number one priority which includes investing in students and the workforce.  Muratsuchi also noted that one of the top voter concerns is affordable housing.  He agrees there should be an increase of housing which would make it more affordable, but not at the cost of local control.  He also spoke about crime and public safety but said there are growing calls to address crime and to get to the root of the problem.

Senator Allen expressed that environmental issues are of interest to him.  He spoke about the state of American democracy, transparency issues and the massive California budget deficit. 

Senator Bradford articulated information about housing, crime, restrictions placed on building houses and the elimination of the Redevelopment Agency.  He also encouraged voters to educate themselves on bills and said legislators must spend more time meeting with the business community to learn about their challenges.

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