Founder and Owner of Micronova Manufacturing, Inc., Audrey Reynolds
Writing the first ‘Out and About’ column of the New Year, I am thrilled to introduce you to Micronova Manufacturing, Inc., a woman owned business, established in Torrance in 1984.
Recognizing the need for specialized tools to address critical cleaning in the emerging electronics and aerospace industries, the company – through its founder Audrey Reynolds – developed a range of clean room mops, wipers and detergents to service classrooms and controlled environments in the western United States and further afield. Since many of the first customers were part of international organizations, the company had an ear to global marketplace from its early years.
“Audrey realized from the start that the industry was always going to be global, so she allocated resources to global research and navigation of regulatory procedures,” stated Deborah Leonard, General Manager at Micronova.
By the mid-1990’s, Micronova’s global sales made up 8% of its business. Today, it has grown to 16% with plans to continue that annual double-digit growth and expand more broadly in the Pacific Rim countries of Singapore, Indonesia and Australia. Blue Chip customers have established branches overseas that want to copy exact procedures and corresponding products used in the United States which has built new markets in Europe. Micronova Manufacturing was presented with the Export Achievement Award at the 90th annual World Trade Week event in 2016.
“My father was an inspiration to me throughout my life. He was fun, loving and would always remind me that every day is a perfect day”, commented Audrey. In speaking to Audrey and several others at Micronova, the positive attitude of employees is a true testament that her father’s inspiration is carried on throughout the facility. As I walked through the factory I could easily see that employees were happy as each one of them enthusiastically greeted Audrey.
The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce values Micronova Manufacturing Inc., for being a member of the organization and wishes years of continued success to Audrey and her wonderful team.
Learn more about Micronova Manufacturing, Inc. at http://www.micronova-mfg.com/

Micronova’s laboratory and operators