Oscar Wei, Deputy Chief Economist, California Association of Realtors presents at the Economic Outlook 2023 event hosted by the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce.

By: Ryan Guitare

The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce recently hosted the Economic Outlook 2023 Event at The George Nakano Theater, featuring three notable speakers who shared valuable insights into the local, state, and national economy.

Oscar Wei, Deputy Chief Economist at the California Association of Realtors, discussed the potential effects of a government shutdown on the economy, the impact of school loan payments, and global economic trends. He also touched on how labor strikes could influence inflation and expressed his view that inflation will gradually subside.

Dawn Salvatore, Site Operations Manager at Moog Inc. Aircraft Group, highlighted the company’s work in both commercial and military projects. She emphasized the importance of retaining jobs and skilled workers, as well as collaborations with educational institutions and initiatives focused on next-gen fighter technologies. The presentation also detailed Moog’s shift from older projects to new technologies, with the goal of creating high-paying jobs and streamlining the supply chain.

Philip De Souza, President of Aurora, explored a range of critical technological topics, including machine learning, deep learning, and advancements like GenAI, GPT, and GPT4. As the founder and president of Aurora IT, a prominent national cybersecurity and compliance firm, he offered expert insights into the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape.

In summary, the Economic Outlook 2023 Event was a significant success, with the expert insights of Oscar Wei, Dawn Salvatore, and Philip De Souza contributing to a better-informed audience. The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce extends its gratitude to all participants in attendance.

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