Right photo: Senator Ben Allen, 26th District (far right) is welcomed by Phil Gyori, President and CEO of Pelican Products, Inc.
Senator Ben Allen, 26th District, recently spent time at two Torrance businesses, Gaetano’s Restaurant and Pelican Products, Inc. The Senator engaged with Gaetano’s owner Vince Giuliano on a variety of topics including the history of Gaetano’s, challenges encountered during the pandemic and ways in which he and others might be able to provide resources in the future. Senator Allen was provided a tour of Pelican Products, Inc. by President & CEO Phil Gyori. Gyori provided an initial briefing on the various products that Pelican manufactures prior to touring the facility. While on the tour, Gyori explained the processes of manufacturing and commented on Pelican’s recycling efforts. Accompanying Senator Allen on the visits were District Representatives Olina Wibroe Benson and Radmehr Nowroozi. Appreciation is extended to Sharon Ward, Director of Corporate Communications, Pelican Products, Inc., for arranging the tour of Pelican.