The J. Walker Owens Volunteerism Award, established in 1986, is presented to a Chamber member who demonstrates a selfless approach to serving the Chamber and business community far beyond the parameters of volunteerism.
The recipient of this year’s award is Todd Trinneer of Staybridge Suites Torrance. Todd has been an active Chamber member since 2010. He has served in multiple leadership roles with the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce, including Vice Chair of Membership 2017-2019, Co-Chair of the Ambassador Program 2016-2017 and was a Chamber Ambassador from 2012-2016.
Todd served on the Honda Evening Under the Stars Gourmet Food & Wine Festival planning committee as Restaurant Liaison from 2013-2017, and volunteered for the Torrance 5K for Freedom, the Torrance Police Department Awards & Appreciation Luncheon, the Black History Celebration Luncheon, State of the City Address, State of the Region Luncheon, the TACC/JBA Grand Mixer, Business Expo and Showcase events, attended countless Business at Noon Luncheons and Ribbon-Cuttings.
Todd will be presented this prestigious award at the Chamber’s Inaugural and Business Awards Celebration on Friday, June 15th, 2018 at Sunrider International. We hope to see you there!