Join us in SUPPORTING SB 269 (Roth), which addresses a menacing uptick in frivolous Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) litigation that essentially extorts small businesses.
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The California Legislative Analyst’s Office describes what has become known as “serial ADA litigation” by writing, “A handful of highly litigious plaintiffs have in fact targeted small businesses, especially those without the financial resources and sophistication to challenge such lawsuits on their merits.” The report goes on to cite data compiled by the California Commission on Disability Access that more than half (54%) of the construction-related accessibility complaints filed between 2012 and 2014 were filed by two law firms; and 46 percent of all complaints were filed by just 14 parties. Businesses in Torrance have been among those targeted during the recent uptick in frivolous ADA claims. A news story published by the Daily Breeze in 2014 reported on local accounts of such litigation. SB 269 will make needed improvements in the ADA litigation arena.

Explore more legislation you can take action on.

by Brandon Matson
Brandon is the Governmental Affairs Coordinator for the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce. His primary responsibilities include facilitating the Chamber's Governmental Affairs Policy (GAP) group, planning Chamber events with legislators, and facilitating the Chamber's Political Action Committee (PAC). Feel free to contact him at any time.