The Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce is in SUPPORT of SB 1215 authored by South Bay Legislator Benjamin Allen (26th Senate District). This bill establishes the California Aerospace Commission, uniting a geographically diverse group of leaders from a variety of aerospace-related fields to pursue the objective of making California the undisputed worldwide epicenter of commercial, academic, and government-related aerospace activity.
Join us in SUPPORT of SB 1215 by following these two easy steps:
- Download this letter and sign it
- Email, fax, or mail the signed letter to TACC’s Government Affairs Coordinator Brandon Matson using the contact information below.
Email:; Fax: 310-540-7662; Mail: Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce, 3400 Torrance Blvd, Suite 100, Torrance, CA 90503
The aerospace industry plays a significant role in the growth of the U.S. economy and in the continuance of the U.S. as a world leader. Given the number of South Bay businesses and workers in the aerospace industry, the region should continue to support and capitalize on this sector. TACC supports both federal and state budgets and policies that protect and grow the aerospace industry in California.

Explore more legislation you can take action on.

by Brandon Matson
Brandon is the Governmental Affairs Coordinator for the Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce. His primary responsibilities include facilitating the Chamber's Governmental Affairs Policy (GAP) group, planning Chamber events with legislators, and facilitating the Chamber's Political Action Committee (PAC). Feel free to contact him at any time.